Next Monica moves on to discuss to episcopal instructive letters on Pope Benedict's recent Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum. These come from Archbishop Burke of St. Louis, MO, and Bishop Finn of Kansas City, KS respectively. Click on the Bishops' names to see their respective letters.
Finally, Monica reads from and comments on Benedict XVI's book as Cardinal Ratzinger called The Spirit of the Liturgy (click on the title of the book to go to Ignatius Press's Website where you can purchase a copy of this book). Monica also reminds her listeners that she is teaching a class at Madonna University this Fall called Sacraments and Liturgy (check out Madonna's website for more details on the course).
Give Yourself to Jesus and PleasePray for the Peaceful Repose of the Soul of Fr. William Thomas.
The following memo was composed just a few hours before learning that Fr. William Thomas, pastor of Holy Spirit Partish in Hamburg, MI died this morning, July 23rd. Pray for the repose of his soul. It should be added--regarding his many accomplishments-- that Father Bill brought great speakers to the parish such as Fr. Mitch Pacwa and Fr. Coropi to preach missions there---speakers nationally known for their love of the Church.
A memo regarding Fr. William Thomas--pastor of Holy Spirit Parish--Hamburg, Michigan.
Fr. William Thomas has fallen into a coma. He is in a hosp ital in Germany where, about 10 days ago, he was admitted with pneumonia. He has been in a coma since Wednesday of this week (July 18th, 2007). He is in critical condition and may be dying. Sorry to sound so melodramatic, but these are just the facts. It is important to keep in mind, especially in light of the accusations against Fr. Thomas by a member of Holy Spirit Parish, the many great and good things Fr. William Thomas accomplished as pastor of Holy Spirit Parish. Fr. Thomas showed himself to be a true son of the Church. Under his leadership Holy Spirit Parish was known for its orthodoxy in teaching and liturgy. Here is only a partial list of Fr. Thomas's accomplishments and contributions to the life of Holy Spirit Parish and the life of the Church:
1) He insisted that the Holy Tabernacle be in the center of the church sanctuary.
2.) He installed a new marble altar to give glory to the Eucharistic Lord (to replace wooden altar).
3.) Placement of statues to make the sterile church interior more Catholic and more condusive to prayer and worship.
4.) Promotion of Perpetual Eucharistic adoration.
5.) Installment of a Communion rail.
6.) Purchase of a quality organ to enhance Eucharistic worship.
7.) Consistent support for all pro-life activities.
8.) Support for Michigan Life-Span--making Holy Spirit an affiliate parish of that group.
9.) Support for the missionary activity of Fr. Paublo Straub and his missionary order in Mexico.
10. First Holy Communion, Confirmation and marriage preparation totally consistent with the teachings of the Church.
11. Support for a parish bookstore with materials completely faithful to the teaching of the Church.
12. Founded a parish school--so there would be a parish school faithful to the teachings of the Church.
13. All Fr. Thomas's homilies strongly and unabashedly supported the teachings of the Church--he always spoke the truth and never flinched in this regard.
14. Holy Spirit, under Fr. Thomas's leadership, only had altar boys serving all the masses---to promote vocations to the priesthood.
15. Fr. Thomas consistently and couregeously spoke and worked against the homosexual agenda--even actively promoting the Michigan Marriage Amendment when the bishops were slow to do so. He really went out on a limb here and his advocacy prevailed.Fr. Thomas has served Jesus and His Church and has shown enormous love and commitment to the Catholic Faith. PRAY FOR HIM NOW. And please pray for Holy Spirit Parish.
Yours in Jesus,
Monica Migliorino Miller,
Ph.D. Director of Citizens for a Pro-life Society and Associate Professor of Sacred Theology, Madonna University.